Cantonese Funeral – Why are white socks only worn on the day of the funeral? | 广东丧事 – 为什么白袜子只在出殡日才穿?
In traditional Cantonese funeral customs, during the mourning period, family members would not only wear mourning clothes, such as hemp cloth and mourning accessories (known as "xiao"), but also white [...]
Soul passes through the “ghost path” and clashes with the “seven period” | “魂游”途经鬼道又撞上七期
There is a saying in Cantonese funeral customs of "Clashes the seven periods". If the soul of the deceased has to pass through the “ghost path” and it happens [...]
‘Soul Path’ (魂游) | 广东丧事黄榜里的”魂遊”
At Cantonese Taoist funeral you will often see a ‘yellow notice’ (黄榜) pasted somewhere near the coffin area during the wake. This is a notice that contains information of the [...]
Funeral lantern | 丧宅大灯笼
In Cantonese Taoist funerals you can often see two large white lanterns hanging on both sides of the funeral. These two large white lanterns are written with the last [...]
Ghost Festival in the Lunar seventh month – Worshiping the “good brothers” | 农历七月鬼节 – 拜祭超度”好兄弟”
During the ghost festival in the Lunar seventh month, believers will generally offer food and burn paper items/paper money to these "good brothers". This is so as not to [...]
Cantonese funeral customs – Pregnant women need to know | 广东丧事俗礼-孕妇需知
In Cantonese funeral customs, pregnant woman, beside wearing Ma and filial piety arm wear, they also have to tie a red rope around their waist with a pair of red [...]
Introducing the Funeral Traditional Ritual “Nail Sealing Ceremony” (Part 1) | 介绍传统丧礼仪式“封钉仪式” (上)
With the rapid development of modern society, traditional funeral customs have adapted to the changing times. The execution of these customs is no longer limited to the forms themselves [...]
Netherworld Coin – “KaiCin” – a type of Paper Money | 阴府钱币 – 溪钱 (开路钱)
“KaiCin” (Cantonese pronunciation kai1 cin3) is a kind of paper money, which is said to be a common currency in the Netherworld. There is a saying that a piece [...]
Covering of red paper during funeral wake | 丧事贴红纸
In the Taoist funeral custom, if there are idols of deities in the home and mirrors in the room or living room, the Taoist priest will ask the family [...]