In Cantonese Taoist funerals you can often see two large white lanterns hanging on both sides of the funeral. These two large white lanterns are written with the last name and age of the deceased respectively.
Different dialect groups have different practices. For example, the Hokkiens has linen wrapped on the lanterns while Cantonese do not have. In the olden days, when you see a big white lantern hanging at the door, it meant that someone in the family passed on.
Looking at the lanterns, you can tell whether the deceased is male or female by the last name written on the lantern.
- Male deceased – His surname will be written on the lantern.
- Married female deceased – The surname of the husband’s followed by the deceased surname will be written on the lantern (eg, 谢门陈氏).
- Unmarried or divorced female deceased – perhaps in the olden days where men were superior to women, white lanterns were not hung (The real reason is unknown).
The age on the lantern also varies depending on the dialect group and religion. Cantonese Taoist usually adds three years to the age of the deceased. For example, if the deceased died at the age of seventy, the lantern should read “qi shi you san” (七十有三); seventy-one years old, that read ‘qi shi you si’ (七十有四 ) (this is calculated based on Lunar age). The three years old represent – one year old each for heaven, earth and human.
The above sharing is for your reference only.
The age on the lantern also varies depending on the dialect group and religion. Cantonese Taoist usually adds three years to the age of the deceased. For example, if the deceased died at the age of seventy, the lantern should read “qi shi you san” (七十有三); seventy-one years old, that read ‘qi shi you si’ (七十有四 ) (this is calculated based on Lunar age). The three years old represent – one year old each for heaven, earth and human.
The above sharing is for your reference only.
在广东籍的道教停丧处, 经常可见到两个大白灯笼,分别吊挂在灵前的两旁。 这两个大白灯笼分别写上了亡者的姓和去世的年龄. 不同的籍贯有不同的做法。
比如, 福建籍是用麻布包着而广东籍是没有包麻布。古代, 当看到有大白灯笼吊挂在门口, 那就代表这户人家有人去世了。
从灯笼的姓氏, 可以分辨逝者是男或女。
- 男逝者 – 写上男家的姓氏。
- 已婚的女逝者 – 写上了夫家和女家的姓氏 ( 如, 谢门陈氏 )。
- 未婚或离婚的女逝者 – 可能因为男尊女卑的原古, 她们的灵前是没有吊挂白灯笼的 (正真原因不得而知)。
灯笼上的年龄也因籍贯, 宗教的不同而有区别。 广东道教通常是在逝者的年龄上加三岁. 如, 逝者去世年龄是七十岁, 那灯笼就要写七十有三岁; 七十一岁, 便是七十有四 (这是以华人岁数计算 )。 那三岁是代表 – 天,地,人各一岁。
灯笼上的年龄也因籍贯, 宗教的不同而有区别。 广东道教通常是在逝者的年龄上加三岁。 如, 逝者去世年龄是七十岁, 那灯笼就要写七十有三岁; 七十一岁, 便是七十有四 (这是以华人岁数计算 )。 那三岁是代表 – 天,地,人各一岁。